miercuri, 24 iunie 2020

ENG -- Thailand - Krabi - Railay Peninsula

From Ao Nang Beach, where our hotel was, we were able to get quite often to Railay Beach and Phra Nang Beach, where the beaches are more spectacular. There we even saw little fishes swimming in the water. Even though we were in full tourist season, in December, none of the beaches we visited were very crowded.

From Ao Nang you can go by long-tail boat to Tonsai Beach, (West) Railay Beach or Phra Nang (Cave) Beach. To give you an idea, we added below the picture with the prices for the long-tail, but also for other trips that had Ao Nang Beach as a starting point.

The beach on which long-tail boats stop, called Railay Beach, is located in the western part of the Railay Peninsula, and is also known as Railay West. Another area, less touristy but at least as spectacular, is the eastern part (Railay East). The simplest way to get from one side of the peninsula to the other is to follow one of the marked paths, for which there are information panels, such as the one to which we took the picture that we added below.

We were charmed of the scenery and we missed the trail shortly after we started walking on it, but we were not upset because we took a longer walk in which we discovered other wonderful areas of that part of Thailand.

Thus, on our way to Railay East we discovered a cave: Phra Nang Nai Cave - Diamond Cave.

In Railay there is also a view point that promises spectacular views, but which we did not climb. We searched the internet for pictures at home, it seemed difficult to climb, both at home and also on the spot, so we preferred to enjoy what we could see from the ground level.

Below we have posted for you some pictures of the mangroves from Railay East.

We continued our walk exploring the area and we also discovered a bar that offers you the possibility to enjoy your favorite drink not sitting on a chair, but in a tree. What a wonderful view!

At the end of a day of walking and relaxing in Railay East, we followed another path to return to the western part of the peninsula, on another beach, Phra Nang Beach, from where we took the long-tail boat back to Ao Nang Beach. On this beach we returned one of the following days.

Phra Nang Cave or Princess Cave is a cave full of wooden penises of different sizes and colors. One of the local legends says that they are gifts left by local fishermen in order to be safe at sea. Another legend says that the sea brings to the princess from the cave all the wooden penises thrown into the water in that area.

From Phra Nang Beach you can walk to one of the nearby islands, when the sea recedes its waves or you can swim the rest of the time.

Also, from Phra Nang Beach or when you swim you can admire other islands in the area, most of them being formed by rocks rising directly from the water.

While relaxing on one of beaches in Railay, in the shade of a tree, you may be visited by probably the cutest monkeys we've ever seen in Asia.

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You can also read about our first impressions about Thailand, or about Krabi - Ao Nang Beach and soon we will post more articles about our holidays in Thailand

luni, 1 iunie 2020

Thailanda - Krabi - peninsula Railay

Din Ao Nang Beach, unde am avut cazarea, am putut ajunge destul de des la Railay Beach si la Phra Nang Beach, unde plajele sunt mai spectaculoase. Acolo am vazut chiar si pestisori inotand prin apa. Chiar daca eram in plin sezon turistic, in decembrie, niciuna dintre plajele vizitate nu a fost foarte aglomerata.

Din Ao Nang puteti merge cu barcuta long-tail pana in Tonsai Beach, (West) Railay Beach sau Phra Nang (Cave) Beach. Pentru a va face o idee, am adaugat mai jos poza cu preturile pentru long-tail, dar si pentru alte excursii care aveau ca punct de pornire Ao Nang Beach.

Plaja pe care opresc barcutele long-tail, numita Railay Beach este situata in partea de vest a peninsulei Railay, fiind cunoscuta si cu numele de Railay West. O alta zona, mai putin turistica, dar cel putin la fel de spectaculoasa este si partea de est (Railay East). Cea mai simpla varianta de a ajunge dintr-o parte in alta a peninsulei este sa urmati una dintre cararile marcate, pentru care exista panouri de informare, cum este si cel caruia i-am facut poza pe care am adaugat-o mai jos.

Noi am fost furati de peisaj si am ratat cararea la scurt timp dupa ce am inceput sa mergem pe ea, dar nu ne-am suparat pentru ca am facut o plimbare mai lunga in care am descoperit si alte zone minunate din acea parte a Thailandei.

Astfel, in drumul nostru spre Railay East am descoperit si o pestera: Phra Nang Nai Cave - Diamond Cave.

In Railay exista si un view point care promite privelisti spectaculoase, dar la care nu am urcat. Am cautat pe net poze acasa, parea dificila urcarea si acasa si la fata locului asa ca am preferat sa ne bucuram de ce puteam vedea de la sol. De asemenea, cei experimentati pot face si catarari.

Mai jos am postat pentru voi cateva poze cu mangrovele din Railay East.

Ne-am continuat plimbarea explorand zona si am descoperit si un bar care iti ofera posbilitatea sa savurezi bautura preferata nu stand pe scaun, ci in copac. Asta da priveliste!

La finalul unei zile cu plimari si relaxare in Railay East, am urmat o alta carare pentru a ne intoarce in partea de vest a peninsulei, pe o alta plaja, Phra Nang Beach, de unde am luat barcuta long-tail inapoi catre Ao Nang Beach. Pe aceasta plaja ne-am intors in una din zilele urmatoare.

Phra Nang Cave sau Princess Cave este o pestera plina de penisuri de lemn de marimi si culori diferite. Una dintre legendele locale spune ca sunt ofrande lasate de pescarii locali pentru a fi in siguranta pe mare. O alta legenda spune ca marea ii aduce printesei din pestera toate penisurile de lemn aruncate in apa in acea zona.

Din Phra Nang Beach se poate ajunge pe jos la una dintre insulele din apropiere, atunci cand marea isi retrage valurile sau inot, in restul timpului.

De asemenea, de pe Phra Nang Beach sau cand inotati puteti admira alte insule din zona, cele mai multe dintre ele fiind formate din stanci rasarite direct din apa.

In timp ce va relaxati pe una dintre plajele din Railay, la umbra unui copac, este posibil sa fiti vizitati de probabil cele mai simpatice maimute pe care le-am vazut pana acum in Asia.

Va multumim ca ati ajuns pana la finalul articolului. Pentru a fi informati cand publicam noi articole pe acest site, dar si pentru a vedea postarile care sunt doar pe facebook, va invitam sa dati like paginii noastre de facebook accesand linkul : Doi plimbareti.

Puteti citi si despre primele noastre impresii despre Thailanda, sau despre Krabi - Ao Nang beach,  iar in curand vom posta si alte articole despre vacanta noastra in Thailanda.